Saturday, April 10, 2010

lomo storie's

Lomo cameras let ancient But Interesting

lomo oktomat

This unique camera called the Lomo stands for Leningsradskoye Optiko Mechaninicheskoye Obyedinenie derived from an optical fiber factory in Russia, Lomo, who during World War II, used by the Russians to spy on the enemy. This camera has the typical and unique shots. Why? Because this camera has a lens on the edge of his frame there are distortions (exposure) and the middle clear. This is what makes this camera a unique camera. Interestingly again, this camera has more than one lens, so it can produce a unique image as well.

Lomography brings the casual style of photography and closer to the style of a snapshot, image disturbances such as over-saturated colors, lens artifacts, and disabled because of exposure instead make an abstract effect. This camera is really good for everyday use because of its small size, and ability to take pictures in low light areas (encouraging rampant candid photography).

If Eastman Kodak had a concept of the "Kodak moment", then the Lomography have the concept of "do not think, just shoot" which relies on spontanity, close-up and not think too much about techniques of formal photographs. Lomographer Lomography is a community of photographers, they are a community of fans Lomo compact camera and other toy plastic camera. Lomo was taken from a Russian optical company weaponry and compact camera that produces them.

Manufactured the first compact camera is named Lomo Kompakt Automat, or better known as LC-A (Lomo Compact Automatict). Lomographer chose this camera because of convenience and not be concerned about highly technical matters, the emphasis is the moment, color, shape, and the image itself.
Development is not just one type of camera, there are many cameras that are always lomographer use, such as the Holga kit, Colorsplash camera, Horizon 202, Pop 9, Action sampler, Cybersampler, Super Sampler, 3D Camera set, and the Seagull TLR Smena 8. A thousand words were not enough to feel and understand this community, if not go try. So, chose your gear, do not think just shoot .. Do not be afraid if the work produced bad, because each image produced is a beauty, if not for your roommate then this community would support the work of you, so join the lomographer aja same world to make the world more colorful

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